Six mistakes during a job interview
1. You talk too much
The advantages of the fact that you are open to discussions and you are decided to persuade the fact that you are the best can turn against you. There is the risk of boring the other person with so many details and you can even look like you don’t have the cap city to concentrate on one given subject.
2. You don’t listen
Assure that the answers will are about to give is the one the question is asking for. This is a test that will demonstrate the employer that your future project will follow the exact steps he’s expecting.
3. Falling for it
An experienced recruiter will set you the trap of relaxation, trying to make you believe this is an interview with a little importance. This does not mean that you have to avoid jokes or affirmations that have nothing to do with the professional area, but you must always promptly go back to the subject of the discussion.
4. You are trying to take the lead
If you try this you can seem arrogant. Companies tend to search for people that can work efficiently in a team. When talking about thinks you’ve done on previous jobs try to use instead of “I” the pronoun “We” as often as possible.
5. You don’t ask questions
Try and make a discussion as professional as possible, asking questions that are right on the subject. Make realistic observation regarding the company and avoid emphasis.
6. You are late
Many employers can’t understand why the candidates continue to be late, so being on time or not has a great importance in their decision. If you can’t make it on the settled hour, call in time and try to reschedule the meeting, depending on the person that conducts the interview.